October 4, 2016


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What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine involving the insertion of sterile needles. It is a modality (or treatment style) used by Naturopathic Practitioners as well as Licensed Acupuncturists.  At AHS we use single-use only disposable needles (as thin as a hair) to place into skin at specific points on the body. Acupuncture is safe and effective, and is often used in combination with other treatments or as a successful alternative.

What happens during my visit?

At your Initial Consultation you’ll have a detailed discussion with our Naturopathic Doctor, who will decide if Acupuncture treatment is right for you.  The Naturopathic Doctor will look at your tongue, feel your pulse, talk about your current and historic health history and then suggest a treatment plan. Upon your consent, you will then receive a treatment that will last from 20-30 minutes. Once the needles are inserted, the Naturopathic Doctor will leave the room so that you can fully relax and will check on you periodically to ensure that you are comfortable. 

How does TCM Acupuncture work?

In Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) illness is often explained in a different way.  In a time when microscopes didn’t exist and microbes were unknown illness was diagnosed on patterns of symptoms alone. These patterns describe how Qi (pronounced chee) or vital energy flows in our body through a network of meridians like running water.  When an injury, congestion, or stress happens it affects the body’s ability to make Qi flow smoothly. In these cases it can often become blocked up like a dammed river and cause stress on adjacent river systems.

Like water in a river, Qi can be blocked, be too much or flow too fast and even be in short supply.  When this happens in the body, it can disrupt many processes.  A problem with digestion can affect energy levels, how well our immune system runs, how our body adapts to stress and how well we sleep.  The goal of Acupuncture is to return the body back to equilibrium and help Qi flow smoothly enabling the body to function effectively.

What can Acupuncture help with?

Acupuncture has been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) to be helpful in a wide variety of conditions, including:

  • Adverse reactions to radiation and chemotherapy in Oncology
  • Allergies and Hay Fever
  • Depression
  • Digestive Concerns,
  • Headaches
  • High and Low Blood Pressure
  • Knee, Back and Neck Pain
  • Stress and Anxiety
  • Digestive Concerns
  • Back Pain and Muscle Pain
  • Fertility
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • Labour Induction and Fetal Malposition
  • Stroke
  • Smoking Cessation support
  • Sleep Challenges
  • Coughs and Colds
  • Women’s Health, Menstrual Regulation and Menopause

What does Acupuncture feel like?

Acupuncture should not feel painful. Common sensations patients feel is slight aching or tingling when the needles are placed. After that people often feel relaxed and sometimes even fall asleep.  While you are relaxing your body is busy rebalancing itself even if it feels like nothing is happening.

How often should you come for Acupuncture?

For Acupuncture to have optimal and lasting benefits, you’ll want to receive it frequently enough to result in progressive improvement. After one or two sessions you might feel good due to the acupuncture’s relaxing effect, but regular treatments over the course of 4-6 weeks is often the best way to achieve sustainable results.

Experience shows us that those who get the best results with acupuncture begin with 1-2 treatments a week for 2-3 weeks. After that, many people follow up with weekly treatments for another few. For chronic or complex conditions, it may be necessary to do more prolonged treatment. This is why it’s so important that it be affordable.

Our goal is to help support your body (including all aspects of mind, emotions, and spirit) as you move through your wellness journey.  The approach we take is to help you enter a place of stability as fast as possible and sustain you there.

Our Intake Forms for Acupuncture Treatments are available once you book your appointment with our Naturopathic Doctor.

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